Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

Academic Board

Bayelsa State Polytechnic > Academic Board

Academic Board

The Academic Board takes charge of all academic activities of the Polytechnic. It is empowered by the Law for the direction and management of academic matters of the Polytechnic including the regulation of admission of students, the award of certificates and diplomas, scholarships, prizes and other distinctions. The Academic Board is responsible for regulations relating to teaching, study and research, including the use of the Library and to conduct all examinations.  The Chairman of the Academic Board is the Rector and the Registrar is the Secretary. Other members are the Deputy Rectors, Deans and Directors of Institutes, Heads of Departments, all Chief Lecturers, two elected representatives of each School from Senior Lecturer and above, the Polytechnic Librarian and such member of staff as may be appointed by the Rector.

School Board of Studies

There shall be a Board of Studies for each School, which shall report to the Academic Board.  In addition to other duties, it makes recommendations to the Academic Board on academic matters and advises the Dean on the general academic and administrative affairs of the school.  The Dean of the school is the Chairman and the Secretary is the Administrative Secretary of the School.  All teaching staff of the School are members.

Departmental Board of Studies

The Departmental Board makes recommendation to the School Board of Studies on academic and administrative matters affecting the Department. The Head of Department is the Chairman of the board and all teaching staff are members while the Administrative Secretary is the Secretary of the board.