This is the seat of Administrative machinery of the Polytechnic. It is the pivot on which the entire administrative activities of the Polytechnic rest. It provides the basic administrative tools such as staff and students records, office administration and control, provision of staff welfare services for staff and students of the Institution.
The Registrar
The Registrar is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Polytechnic. He/She is the custodian of all students and staff records and Head of the Registry Department. He/she is the holder of the Polytechnic seal, which is the seal of Authority of the Polytechnic. All correspondences of the Polytechnic are therefore addressed to the Registrar.
The Registrar is also the Secretary to the Polytechnic Governing Council, the Academic Board. In addition, he/she is also the Secretary to all Polytechnic Committees or his Representatives, hence, all documents issued by the staff or Unit Heads of the Registry department are signed for the Registrar.
The Registrar is also a member of the Polytechnic Management Committee including the Appointments and Promotions Committee, Senior Staff and Academic to which he/she is the Secretary. He is also the Chairman of Appointments and Promotions Committee of Junior Staff.
This is a very important arm of the Registry Department responsible for staff employment, promotion, discipline and all activities relating to staff personnel matters. It is usually headed by a very senior Administrative Officer. The Head of this unit is also the Secretary of Junior Staff Appointments and Promotions Committee and Recorder of the Academic and Senior Staff Appointments and Promotions Committee.
It also plays an advisory role in advising the Polytechnic on key decisions of personnel matters, since it is the custodian of all personnel matters/records. It is also subdivided into Senior and Junior staff matters headed by Senior Administrative Officers with the Unit Head overseeing.
This Unit as its name implies is charged with all academic matters of the Polytechnic. It is the Service Unit of the Polytechnic Registry Department of student examination administration. This unit coordinates all the activities of the Polytechnic Academic Board.
It prepares students results and liaises with the Examinations and Records Unit to produce students Academic Transcripts, etc.
This is the house keeper of all student records, ranging from Results, Academic Transcripts and Certificates. It is also the custodian of examination answer booklets and all other records relating to students academic records.
This Department though is under the Registry Department, with the students Affairs Officer as the administrative head, is actually headed by a Dean, which makes it an autonomous Department responsible to the Rector. The Registry staff in the department therefore more or less plays a supportive role. It regulates the activities of student social clubs registration, production of student bursary list, hostel accommodation and maintenance of student hostels, students discipline, etc.
This Unit as its name implies is the Service Unit of the Registry Department to the Governing Council to which the Registrar is its Secretary. It provides support service for the Governing Council.
This Unit helps to provide accurate statistical records for the Polytechnic, on staff and students population, births, death, entry and exit of staff, staff promotions, annual leave, production of accurate staff nominal roll, etc.
This is the seat of Admission of students into all Polytechnic courses and programmes. It is headed by a Senior Administrative Officer often referred to as the Admissions Officer. It conducts student admissions, issues admission letters, student transfers, conduct student Post-UME Examinations, student Registration and screening of admitted students, with the assistance of a Screening Committee appointed by the Registrar.
This Unit is charged with staff pension matters. It advises staff and the Polytechnic Management of pension matters in line with existing government guidelines and policies of staff pensions, organizes workshops for prospective pensioners, computation of terminal benefits for pensioners and keeps an up to date record of existing pensioners and staff records to advice staff on the pension dates in preparation of for their exit from the services of the Polytechnic.
This Unit is referred to as open Registry in some establishments, but they perform the same functions of record keeping. It keeps all staff personal files, updates them, registration of new employees and issues them personal file numbers. In most cases, it keeps the Polytechnic mails by serving as the Postal Unit of the Polytechnic by posting and receiving all the Institution’s mails on behalf of the Registrar. It is also headed by a Senior Administrative or Executive Officer.
The structures and process in the Schools and Departments replicate the Institutional structure and processes, although at an attenuated level.
The Registrar has charged of the day administration of the Institution, while being responsible to the Rector. The Registrar in the execution of her duties, delegates administrative officers to the different schools in the Institution, to act as School Administrative Officers. The role of School Admin Officers is very important as the SAO helps to decongest the Registrar’s desk, ease burden of administration, gives a sense of direction to the system of School Administration by putting in sharp focus what constitute the ingredients of School Administration, which also give satisfaction to both who render the services and the students who are essentially the beneficiaries of such services.
The Polytechnic has four (4) Schools and they include:
School of Science
School of Engineering Technology
School of Commerce and Management
School of Foundation Studies